NACB Laboratory Medicine Practice Guidelines (LMPG) Since 1994 the National Academy of Clinical Biochemistry has been developing LMPGs, which are consensus-based guidelines for the laboratory evaluation and monitoring of patients with specified disorders. The first guidelines were referred to as Standards of Laboratory Practice (SOLPs). After a series of public presentations and reviews designed to reach consensus among the thought leaders of the subject area, each guideline is published both in a peer-reviewed journal and as a monograph and is made available online. Printed copies of published monographs are available for a fee through AACC Press. To purchase a printed copy of a published monograph go to NACB Publications.
Want to learn more about the new thyroid guidelines? Proceedings from the September 18, 2002 audio conference are now available. Leading thyroidologist and a laboratorian discuss the impact of new NACB thyroid testing guidelines.